History of Christian Egypt from 1st Century to the Dawn of 20th

Montague Fowler provides us with a comprehensive account of the development of Christian Egypt. He includes not only accounts of individual denominations, but also various missionary organisations, such as the North Africa Mission and the Egypt Mission Band. My thanks to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide for providing a copy of this book for…

Arthur H. Smith’s The Uplift of China – Various editions

The Uplift of China was produced in various denominational editions. Redcliffe College have kindly passed three of these on to me for digitisation. I have made available the Church Missionary Society (Anglican) and the 1914 revised edition. The first two are virtually identical except for the last chapter and the revised edition has no photographs….

Missionaries at Work – Church Missionary Society Training Manual

If you were preparing for overseas with the Church Missionary Society in the early 20th Century you would probably have received a copy of this book. It covers all aspects of missionary life from physical health to developing good relationships with fellow missionaries. Much of this material would still be relevant today. My thanks to…

By Love Compelled – The Call of the China Inland Mission by Marshall Broomhall

Marshall Broomhall served as Editorial Secretary for the China Inland Mission for 27 years and was a nephew of its founder, James Hudson Taylor. In This little book, published shortly before his death, he provides what he describes as a sketch of the mission’s work in China. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a…