India From a Missionary Point of View
This little book was originally written for missionary study classes in the US. It therefore represents a “snapshot” of the state of play of missionary work in India at the close of the 19th Century. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy to scan. This book is in the Public Domain.
Harlan P. Beach [1854-1933], The Cross in the Land of the Trident or India From a Missionary Point of View. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1896. Hbk. pp.127.[Click to download in PDF]
- Arya-Varta, ‘The Land of the Aryans’
- India’s Past
- The Common Life
- The Religious Life of the Masses
- India’s Real Man and Woman
- Christian Missions in India
- Present Phases of Missionary Work
- India’s Appeal to British Students
This little book is primarily intended for missionary study classes, yet it is hoped that it will be of value also to other readers. It was originally prepared for use in the United States; but this edition has been carefully revised, and adapted to the special requirements of British readers. Only a few topics are discussed, but they are such as most vitally concern India, considered from a missionary point of view.
Following each chapter will be found a number of suggested readings. The limited size of this book prevents anything save an outline statement of the subjects treated, and the readings will prove useful to those who wish fuller details. Their number has been multiplied, not with the expectation that all will be read by any one person, but to meet the requirements of a class to each of whose members different readings may be assigned, or whose library may not contain a large collection of books on India. In such a case, a few, at least, of the books will be found out of the large number named.
To facilitate their use, the pages or chapters bearing on the topic are in most cases designated. Periodical literature, both secular and missionary, is so abundant that no attempt has been made to suggest such articles, with the sole exception of those in The Missionary Review of the World, which for obvious reasons has been freely used. Books in foreign languages have been consulted in preparing the chapters, but are not referred to in the list of readings, though here again another exception has been made in the case of M. Levi’s article in La Grande Encyclopedie, one of exceptional value. [Continue reading]