In Brigands’ Hands & Turkish Prisons – Archibald Forder
Archibald Forder [1863-1934] was a Pentecostal Missionary in Palestine. He wrote this account of his work there during his internment during World War I in a Turkish prison in Damascus. Eric Nelson Newberg, notes that:
Forder had a deep affection for Arab peoples, especially the Bedouin tribes among whom he itinerated widely. Using St. Catherine’s Monastery as a home base. Forder made many evangelistic forays among the Bedouins encamped in secluded locations of the Sinai. ‘With fondness he remembers, “While drinking our after-supper coffee, I told these people the Old, Old Story, and have reason to believe that some, at least, realized that they were sinners and their only hope was in the Saviour Jesus Christ.” [The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine. Pickwick Publications, 2012. p.55.]
My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy to digitise. This title is in the public domain.
Archibald Forder [1863-1934], In Brigands’ Hands and Turkish Prisons 1914-1918. London: Marshall Brothers, Ltd., 1919. Hbk. pp.314. [Click to download entire book in PDF]
- Preface
- Foreword
- Behind Prison Bars
- Waiting For Death
- Prison Customs, Life and Doings
- Release, Reunion, Re-separation
- The Aftermath
- Boyhood Days
- My Parents
- Starting in Life
- Off to the Changing Bawdee
- The Bawdee, and Some of Its Includes
- The People of the Bawdee
- Breaking Ground in the Bawdee
- Trapped by the Bedouin
- Under the Shadow of Death
- How Deliverance Came
- Some Home Itinerating Experiences
- Experiences on the Field
- Islam and its Evreyday Requirements and Workings
- Life in the Bawdee, How Affected by Islam
- Palestine Peasant Life and How Affected by Islam
- Hagar in the Wilderness
- Ahmenee, a Tragedy of the Bawdee
- Love versus Custom, A Story of the Bawdee
- Out-schemed by a Woman
- Thrice Lost, A Tale of Bawdee Woman Life
- Found, But Only to be Lost Again
- Looks, Desires, Needs, Possibilities
- El-Bawdee