A.R. MacDuff’s Memories of Missionary Life in North-Western India
The Rev. A.R. MacDuff served as domestic chaplain to the Henry James Matthew Bishop of Lahore [15 January 1837 – 2 December 1898]. In this book he shares some of his experiences serving in the North West of India during the late 19th Century. Many thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy of the book to scan. This title is in the public domain.
A.R. MacDuff, The Utmost Bound of the Everlasting Hills or Memories of Christ’s Frontier Force in North-Western India. London: James Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 1902. Hbk. pp.279. [Click to download complete book in PDF]
- Acknowledgement
- Introduction
- Bivouacking With a Bishop in the Bolan Pass
- George Shirt, Roadmaker to the Great King
- The Parson Who Laid His Cricket on God’s Altar
- The Philanthropic Octopus of Kashmir
- Moti, The Snow Leopard, and How he Became a London Lion
- Three Earthly Stories with One Heavenly Meaning
I was driving through the streets of a certain lakeside and collegiate town in the western portion of New York State and, as all strangers do, was admiring the, rows of umbrageous elms and maples with which its main thoroughfares are lined. Suddenly my companion – who by-the-bye occupied the seat of Jehu-pulled up to the sidewalk, and hailing a passing pedestrian, accosted him thus: “Howdy do? I’ve got your brother’s next-door neighbour with me, and I want to introduce him.” Then the “Man in the Street” made obeisance and confessed to fraternal relationship with the right reverend, the bishop of a vigorous and deeply interesting diocese in China. [Continue Reading]