History of the Church in Spain by Frederick Meynell
Today’s free book is a history of the Spanish Church from the first to the 19th Century, My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation.
Frederick Meyrick [1857-1906], The Church in Spain. London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1892. Hbk. pp.450. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]
- Legendary Beginnings
- Roman Spain—How Christiabity Entered Spain
- Roman Spain—The Præ-Diocletian times
- Roman Spain—The Diocletian PErsecution in Spain
- Roman Spain— The Council of Elvira
- Roman Spain—Bishop Hosius of Cordova
- Roman Spain—Spanish Churchmen of the Fourth Century
- Roman Spain—Priscillianism
- Gothic Spain—INvasion of the Peninsulsa by the Vandals, Suevi, and Alani, A.D. 409
- Gothic Spain—King Leovigild
- Gothic Spain—King Reccared and the Third Council of Toledo
- Gothic Spain—Growth of the See of Toledo
- Gothic Spain—Bishop Isidore and the Fourth Council of Toledo
- Gothic Spain—The later Gothic Kings in Relation to the Church
- Gothic Spain—Bishop Julian and trhe Priacy of Toledo
- Gothic Spain—The Last Years of the Gothic monarchy
- Moorish Spain—Spread of Mohammediasim throughout the world
- Moorish Spain—THe Migetian and Adoptionist heresies
- Moorish Spain—S. James of Compestela
- Moorish Spain—The Cordovian Caliphate
- Moorish Spain—The Martyrs of Cordova
- Moorish Spain—Bishop Hostegesis and the Abbot Samson
- Moorish Spain—The second period of the Moorish domination
- Moorish Spain—The new Church of LEomn and Castile
- Moorish Spain—The Mozarabic Liturgy
- Moorish Spain—Four Hundred years of turmoil and licence
- Moorish Spain—THe Military Order and the earlier Inquisition
- Transitional Spain
- Modern Spain—The later inquisition
- Modern Spain—The Jesuits
- Modern Spain—The Spanish Mystics
- Modern Spain—The Bourbons in Spain
- Index