Missionary Principles and Practice by Robert E. Speer

A handbook on missionary principles by the American Presbyterian missiologist Robert Elliott Speer [1867-1947]. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of this public domain book for digitisation. Robert E. Speer [1867-1947], Missionary Principles and Practice. A Discussion of Christian Missions and of some Criticisms upon them, 3rd edn. New York/London: Fleming H….

History of the Church in Armenia

This history of the church in Armenia was originally published in French. Malachia Ormanian [1841-1918], The Church of Armenia. Her History, Doctrine, Rule, Discipline, Liturgy, Literature, and Existing Condition. Oxford: A.R. Mowbray & Co., Ltd., [1912]. Hbk. pp.271. [Click to visit the download page for this book] Contents Introduction by Bishop Welldon Preface List of…

Timothy Richard of China

Timothy Richard was born in Wales and was converted during the 1859-60 Revival. He responded to the call to overseas service and served with the Baptist Missionary Society in China. He became convinced that the indigenous church should be self-supporting and that evangelism was best done by native Chinese Christians. The Ex-patriate missionaries should devote…