“Dawdson” The Doctor – the Story of G.E. Dodson of Iran

Iran currently ranks #8 on my online poll, so here is a biography of Dr. G.E. Dodson, who served in that country until his death in 1937. A Friend of Iran, “Dawdson” The Doctor. G.E. Dodson of Iran. London: The Highway Press, 1940. Hbk. pp.73. Click to download in PDF. Contents Introductory – “I Shall Fetch Dawdson—”…

William Carey’s Enquiry on-line

William Carey’s Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians… is probably one of the most influential documents in the history of missions. Among other things it led to the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society in the United Kingdom. This is a facsimile of the original which was published in Leicester 1792. William Carey [1761-1834], An Enquiry…