Aerial view of Tangier in 1932

Discipleship in Islamic Society

Samuel P. Schlorff, Discipleship in Islamic Society

Today’s free book is a discipleship manual for converts from Islam, published by the North Africa Mission. My thanks to AWM Pioneers for their kind permission to reproduce this title and to Book Aid for making a copy available for digitisation.

Samuel P. Schlorff, Discipleship in Islamic Society. Marseille, France: North Africa Mission, 1981. Pbk. pp.77. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  • Preface
  • Introduction
  1. The Objectives: Discipleship Qualities to be Developed in Muslim Convert Churches
  2. The Obstacles to Discipleship in an Islamic Context: Theological and Apologetical Dimensions of Muslim Evangelization
  3. Christian Doctrine in an Islamic Context: The Guide to the Christian Faith and Life for Evangelical Churches
    1. The Faith of Evangelical Churches
    2. The Life of Evangelical Churches
  • A Membership Covenant
  • Notes

Phot credit: Aerial view of Tangier in 1932 Source: Wikipedia

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