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Protestant Missions in South America to 1900

Harlan P. Beach, F.P.L. Josa, J. Taylor Hamilton, H.C. Tucker, C.W. Drees, I.H. La Fetra, T.B. Wood & T.S. Pond, Protestant Missions in South America
Endpiece: Missionary Map of South America. Click image to download larger version

This college textbook covers the progress of Protestant Missions up to 1900 in most of the countries of South America. It also includes a superb colour map as an endpiece. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy if the book to scan. This title is in the public domain.

Harlan P. Beach, F.P.L. Josa, J. Taylor Hamilton, H.C. Tucker, C.W. Drees, I.H. La Fetra, T.B. Wood & T.S. Pond, Protestant Missions in South America. New York: Student Volunteer Movement, 1907. Hbk. pp.239. [Click to download complete book in PDF]



  1. Geographical and General. By Harlan P. Beach
  2. British Guiana. By Canon F.P.L. Josa
  3. Dutch Guiana, or Surinam. By Prof. J. Taylor Hamilton
  4. Brazil. By H.C. Tucker
  5. Republics of the Plata River. By Rev. C.W. Drees
  6. Chile. By Rev. I.H. La Fetra
  7. The Land of the Incas. By Rev. T.B. Wood
  8. Colombia. By Mrs T.S. Pond
  9. Veneszuela. By Mrs. T.S. Pond
  10. South America as a Mission Field. By Rev. T.B. Wood
  • Appendix A. – Bibliography
  • Appendix B. – General Statistics concerning South American Countries
  • Appendix C. – South American Missionary Statistics for 1900.
  • Analytical Index
  • Map Index
  • Missionary Map of South America


This text-book is one of a series, prepared primarily for the use of mission study classes in colleges and other institutions of higher learning, but also largely for study classes in churches and young peoples’ societies. The somewhat peculiar typography and paragraph arrangement are ac-counted for by the fact that an experience of six years has proven the desirability of some such aid to the busy student or reader. The Analytical Index at the close has likewise been found useful in the class-room, as well as to the reader who desires to learn at a glance the scope of the volume. [Continue reading]

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